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Biblical Hebrew Awakening: EXODUS

Public·803 members

I would be remiss if I didn't express my gratitude for, and biblical hebrew awakening. Thank you Moreh Duane and all who contribute to make them possible. With every wind of doctrine amongst some hebrew groups I'm truly GREATFUL to hear sound teaching and have an opportunity to study under a prepared teacher with a heart for TMH and our people. Much respect💯💗🤴🏾.

Cry Loud Israel
Cry Loud Israel
Feb 12, 2022

Shalom Sis Deidra, Thank you for the post. We are to give honor where honor is due. I totally agree. יהוה has blessed Moreh Duane with a serious heart after His Own and a love for our people. I am so grateful because he has remained consistent, true, and faithful. If I have a problem, I know that I can call Moreh Duane and he will seek יהוה Word for the answer and not his own opinion. I am also so grateful for this platform too, it is wonderful to be able to share music or information with others who truly have their minds stayed on יהוה Righteousness and actually love our HaMachiach יהושס. We are The Kingdom and I am so thankful that Moreh Duane put in the super hard work to build these platforms because I know it wasn’t easy. And in our case, the movie line that said, “If we build it, they will come”, proved true in this case, so thank you Moreh Duane and thank you Brethren for coming. Praise our Great and Awesome Abba for using us His Children BaHaShem יהושס! Amein


Welcome to the group! Our goal is to strategize ways to effe...


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