Shalom Yahsharel! one of the instructions the Most High directed me to do while in my recent Wilderness/seclusion/fire was for me to narrate the entire Bible ... He imparted this unto me first about a year ago when I narrated Baruk at the end of a song... (to be released soon) Then in this recent fire He told me to start this task now and try to produce at least once a week! I also got alot more instructions on everything that I am to do in my ministry going forward... ( TESTIMONY VIDEOS COMING VERY SOON) I am sooo grateful for The Fathers instructions!! This Bible narration will be a long and strenuous task but I gotta do it!... Below is a sample of Genesis 3.. Just so you can see what's coming.. My Brother Yasaf Ya'aKov Yisra'EL was given similiar instructions and we have his "30 spiiritual warfare" verses dropping... I think you guys will really find it edifying! It's really calming to the soul... Yahsharel we are all called to come together!!! WE HAVE WORK TO DO!!!! IT'S TIME TO RISE ISRAEL!!! RISE!!! QUAM YAHSHAREL!!!!